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Solutions for 
Industrial Power Plants   

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Product data sheet

Waste to Energy  

Many years of experience and special know-how have enabled Oschatz to develop proprietary technologies in the form of boilers and steam generators for waste heat recovery. We plan, design and construct boiler concepts for solid as well as liquid and gaseous fuels.


Increasingly complex legislative requirements and ever more complex technical solutions have been the hallmarks of power generation and supply in the circular economy in recent years.

Oschatz designs and manufactures plants for the efficient, ecologic sustainable thermal utilization of municipal and industrial residues, applying the very latest energy conversion technologies to meet specific customer requirements.


In addition to feed grate and firing control, economizers, superheaters, etc., our solutions integrate modern water tube boiler concepts in vertical, horizontal or combined design. Ensuring maximum corrosion resistance and minimal dust contamination to ensure maximum efficiency is paramount in our configuration and design.


All Oschatz plants, systems and components are characterized by high levels of efficiency, uptime, ease of maintenance and resource-saving and environmentally-friendly solutions.



Solutions for Municipal and Industrial Waste

The utilization of high calorific portions of residual waste has gained in importance in the circular economy model and under relevant legislation (especially in Germany). The production of energy from refuse derived fuel (RDF) is of increasing economic importance across the globe.


WTE – RDF Plants

The specifications and basic conditions for the production and utilization of refuse derived fuels are based on the following legislative and technical frameworks:

  • EU Directive on the incineration of waste and relevant national implementations

  • German circular economy and waste law (KrWAbfG), which sets out a hierarchy of objectives: Avoid – Recycle – Dispose

  • Technical instruction on municipal waste (TASI), which aims to ensure that waste can be dumped without further treatment

  • Act on the environmental-friendly (AbfAbIV) disposal of municipal waste

  • German federal ambient pollution control act, including important regulations: 4th BImSCHv, 13th BImSchW, 17th BImSchV.

  • Avoidance of landfill

  • Reduction of climate-damaging landfill gases (methane)

  • Prevention of groundwater pollution from landfill residues


Advantages of Oschatz WTE Plants

  • Lower costs for primary fuels

  • Waste and residues do not have to be stored or landfilled

  • Flue  gas is cleaned in accordance with the local legislation

  • Combustion residues are aseptic, inodorous, problem-free to dump and can even be reused in some cases, e.g. as slag for roadworks


Refuse-derived fuel is produced from the high-calorific components of domestic waste, bulky waste, commercial waste similar to domestic waste, residues from the sorting of recyclable material (paper, cardboard, wood, textiles, plastics) as well as product-specific residues from commercial and industrial waste.


Oschatz offers comprehensive know-how and experience in the field of incineration and steam generation for turn-key solutions, and is making an important environmental contribution to the reduction of emissions.


Our competence does cover not only the technology from chute to stack, but also includes electric power generation and, if desired, even the process (plant output) and municipal heat generation.



Solutions for Power Generation and Heating

Biomass from agriculture and forestry, as well as from industrial processes, contains large amounts of energy that can be recovered. Use of this energy is, therefore, a sensible, environmentally-friendly and CO2-neutral method of resource recovery.



Biomass plants: Energy from Renewable Raw Materials

Using specially designed thermal treatment systems, both polluted and unpolluted fuels can be optimally incinerated and efficiently converted to energy on an air-cooled or water-cooled incineration grate. The range of fuels that can be used for this process includes renewable raw materials such as straw, corn, wood in the classes A1 to A4, olive pips, pomace/marc residues, rice husks and other similar fuels.

In downstream plant components, the energy from the incineration process is converted into usable heat, such as process steam. Subsequently, a conversion into electrical energy can also take place.

In line with the legal requirements at the site, the flue gases produced during combustion are cleaned with modern flue gas cleaning processes.

Oschatz combustion systems are equipped with state-of-the-art control technology. Our tried-and-tested grate firing technology is constantly being developed further.

We are constantly adapting our systems to different fuels and to our customers’ manifold needs and applications.



Solutions for Low-Calorific Industrial Waste

Oschatz offers tailor-made systems for treatment of industrial residues such as waste wood, paper and sewage sludge, special waste or recycling waste. The thermal utilisation of such very low calorific industrial waste is achieved by means of a highly efficient combined heat and power (CHP) process.



Solid Residual Materials: Turnkey or Component Solutions

This concept leads to a considerable saving of primary energy, the reduction of landfill waste and costs and is therefore of particular value for industries with high energy demands.



Saving Energy during Waste Paper Recycling

In the paper industry, some 10 to 20% of the waste paper that goes into the recycling process is left over as residual material, depending on the process used.

Oschatz has developed a concept specifically for this energy-intensive sector that not only guarantees that these residual materials are utilized in line with current environmental legislation, but also achieves considerable savings in respect of primary energy.

The residual materials are incinerated in a furnace and boiler plant. This combination of thermal utilisation with a combined heat and power (CHP) generation process significantly reduces emissions and their impact on the environment.

In addition, the amount of waste dumped in landfill sites is greatly reduced, as are the costs of disposing of such waste.


Advantages of Waste Paper Recycling:

  • Thermal treatment of paper residues and paper sludge using a feed grate and energy transfer to high-pressure steam

  • Preparation of low-calorific residual materials, if required

  • Use of gas turbine exhaust gases as combustion air for simultaneous pre-drying of the residual materials

  • Conversion of the energy from the high-pressure steam to electric power in a steam turbine

  • Flue gas cleaning in accordance with current legislation

  • Recovery of residues from the thermal treatment process (slag) and flue gas cleaning (gypsum) as raw materials

      generate energy from waste.​


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